Friday, January 25, 2013

First Post-op check up. Day 5

      Went to see the Doctor Monday, January 21st. He took the wires off that were wiring my jaw shut, did a quick x-ray and a good clean up before putting wires back on. Then he asked me some pain level questions and asked about my drinking. Unfortunatly my drinking isn't great. I have always had a hard time drinking, but now I really have to force myself.
     A couple of my favourite things to eat/drink are Carnation french vanilla instant breakfast, strawberry and banana milkshake and chocolate peanutbutter milk. My mother has also spoiled me on a variety of juices like grape, white grape and apple. You just gotta watch out; if you drink too much your tongue becomes sensitive from all the ascorbic acid (vit. C).
     I am still having an issue with jaw pain. Not when I swollow but just a constant throbbing. The liquid ibuprofen really does help it though. I have found that a rice bag really helps relieve muscle pain in my lower jaw. Directions on how to make a rice bag will follow.
     Something kinda of funny I have found I really hate is yawning when my jaws are wired shut. It really hurts and is very unsatisfying. My surgeon has set my next appointment for next Tuesday. I sure hope my wires will be able to come off then.    
X-ray of Post-op jaw
Strawberry & Banana Milkshake
  1 whole banana (very ripe)
  1 Handful frozen strawberries or 1/2 c. sweetened frozen strawberries w/syrup
  1/2 envelope Carnation French Vanilla Instant Breakfast
  1 t. sugar (omit if using presweetened strawberries)
  1 c. milk
  Blend until smooth, adding extra milk to reach desired consistency.
Peanutbutter Cup "Shake"
  1 c. milk
  1 envelope Carnation Chocolate Instant Breakfast
  2 T. creamy peanutbutter
  Blend till smooth, adding extra milk to reach desired consistency. 
How to make a Rice Pillow (Fancy or Simple)
   Simple Version:
     Take a crew sock fill half full with uncooked white rice. Tie a knot just above rice.
   Fancy Version:
      Take a 10"x10" piece of muslin. On one side fold over 1" to create the top. With fold facing outward, fold in half. Stitch along open side and along bottom. Turn right side out. You should now have a small pillow case:). Fill bag 2/3 full with uncooked white rice. Stitch remaining open end closed. Congratulations! You have a rice pillow!! You can even make a nice little flannel pillow slip for it.    
      Baby Version:
         Take a small unmated baby sock. Fill 2/3 with uncooked white rice. Whip stitch top tightly closed.
          My mother made this for me to slip into my "Marley" band (the stretchy fabric they had the ice bags in that was tied around my jaw after surgery.) We call it a "Marley" band after Jacob Marley from A Christmas Carol.
          I used this after switching from ice about 4 day post-op. The heat began relieving a lot of the soreness and pressure pain in my jaw.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the whole baby sock idea... Especially for the little ones... Heck, I'd like to use our old baby sock to make bean bags to start throwing at the kids whenever they're not minding! Bo, you have changed my life! lol
