Thursday, April 25, 2013

3 months 9 days Post-op (FIVE GUYS!!!!)

    Okay it's been forever since I have posted and I'm very, very sorry:(

    I went to a ortho check up and had to have a bracket replaced (do to a small cavity and fake tooth decay) After my appointment my mother, lil brother and I were trying to deicide where to eat and we all decided on FIVE GUYS!!! 
     It feels like I haven't had a good cheeseburger in years. It was sooo good:) Plus my Dad was able to come and eat with us. So, great cheeseburger, fries and my both my parents were able to experience this with me.
     Besides the awful taste of the bracket glue, today was a pretty good day.

Well, good luck with your life and may you have a good time with it:)

P.S. I'm starting college this June!!!!

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